Statistics and information about COVID-19 or Coronavirus rapidly changing and creating misinformation, chaos, and worry about this quickly spreading illness.
For fighting both virus spreading and wrong emotions, How Do Safety Glasses Work? employers should need open dialogue with their workers about this harmful virus.
This virus potentially affects the organization, and you have to tell your workers how they can protect themselves. Be aware that the latest information on COVID-19 outbreaks is available on the website of the World Health Organization.
Many countries have seen many cases of coronavirus, and many of them are still experiencing their outbreaks.
Although China and some other countries have controlled this situation you must check and be aware of the latest news.
Here are some protection tips for the workers and job places on how to stop the spreading of this virus.  Â
How it Spreads?
Currently, there is no vaccine for the prevention of this COVID-19 disease, but the best way to defeat it is by avoiding exposure to this virus. Viruses spread from person to person so people should keep a distance of approximately 6 feet.
Besides, the illness is caused by the droplets of the infected person when he coughs sneezes, or even talks.
The infected droplets land in the mouth of another person who is near to him and possibly can enter through the lungs when inhaled. Some latest researches also show that coronavirus can be spread by those people who don’t show any symptoms.
Safety Tips:
1. Wash Hands:
Wash hands as many times as you can especially when you come from outside and wash them with soap and water for 20 seconds. It is essential to wash your hands when you from a public place, or after sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose. If soap is not available at any time, use sanitizer that must consist of 60% alcohol. Spread it on the entire surface of your hand and rub it until you feel dryness.
Never touch your facial areas like mouth, nose, and eyes with unwashed hands.
2. Don’t Come Close:
Don’t come in close contact with those persons who are sick even if they are living with you at your home. You must keep a distance of 6 feet from an infected person and other family members as well.
Keep distance from other persons in public places because people who don’t show any symptoms cause the spread of this disease.
So, on Friendship Day, keep some distance of approximately two arms for those people who are at high risk of getting an illness.
3. Cover Face When You are Around Others:
COVID-19 can spread to other persons in case of no sickness. Cover your mouth when you are in a public place like the grocery market and shopping malls for any necessities.
Cloth masks are not used for under two years of age kids because they can have trouble breathing and cannot remove the cloth mask without any help.
Moreover, a cloth mask means to shield other people if you are infected. Don’t use the cloth mask of other people even if he is healthy as well.
Maintain 6 6-foot distance between you and others because a face mask is not the alternative to social distancing.
4. Cover Face in Case of Cough and Sneezing:
Everyone knows that he can spread this disease even if he doesn’t feel any illness. So, everyone needs a cloth mask when they are in a public place.
If you are in a Public spot and you have no mask with you, cover your face with a tissue when you need to sneeze or cough.
In the absence of tissue, cover your face inside your elbow and never spit in a public place.
Always use tissue throw in the dustbin and immediately wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. In the absence of soap and water, use sanitizer with 60% alcohol quantity.
5. Clean and Sanitize:
Clean and then sanitize when you touch any surface. The things that you touch daily are doorknobs, countertops, tables, light switches, handles, toilets, phones, sinks, and faucets.
If you find any surfaces dirty, clean them immediately with soap or detergents and water to disinfect them.
6. Monitor Your Health Regularly:
Be conscious of all symptoms like check fever, breath shortness, or any signs that relate to COVID-19.
It is essential distinctly if you are running tasks like going into an office, job place, Constriction Safety Tips, or at any other spot where it is hard to keep a distance of 6 feet from each other.
Measure your fever if any symptoms appear. Don’t check your temperature after taking medication within 30 minutes. Consult your doctor if symptoms remain.